Choosing and Training Our Caregivers

At the heart of Retreat at Home are the many dedicated caregivers that have chosen to share their skills and warmth with our clients and their families.  Our caregivers are chosen carefully as we are looking for those special qualities that make caregivers unique.  During the interview process each candidate is rated on their experience, their communication skills, and interactions.

For every potential employee we complete the following process:

*We engage in meaningful interviews

*We verify all previous work history for the past 5 years

*We complete a federal and state criminal history screening
using employee fingerprints

*We verify no offenses on the State of NM abuse registry

*We verify valid State vehicle insurance

Once chosen as a Retreat at Home team member, our employees begin our “On Ramp” educational program which assures each staff member will:

*Participate in a staff orientation to our policies, our core values, and our expectations

*Begin a mentoring program with our clinical social workers
to explore their training needs and their career goals

*Complete skills training at our award winning care facility, The Retreat

*Receive weekly evaluation and feedback to encourage their best performance

Our long-term employees continue their educational curriculum by participating in a NIH funded training program, The Alzheimer’s Caregiver, which has 32 modules in areas such as communication, hospice, managing difficult behaviors, and sleep disturbances.  As our team members move through their curriculum they continue to receive mentoring and coaching from our licensed social workers.


